Thursday, July 27, 2006

Summer Hiatus

Summer trickles by. I'm mostly outdoors though. Finally a group of friends over for dinner this evening. It was hot, having to turn off the air conditioning temporarily in order to hear Graz on the skype phone. (Max computer volume just isn't that loud, and the a/c is.) Another fun thing about the a/c: it vents to the balcony, where you will roast from all the hot air blasting out at you if you're sitting out there.

Okay, just a little gossip. The lady across the hall changed her door decoration. She has seasonal themed door decorations. Now it's a beautiful dry flower wreath. I haven't met this lady, but that's okay. (Picture courtesy the Wreath Depot.)

I wonder what I could use for a door decoration? Suggestions welcome.

Taking the bus to work is my best chance to size up some of my co-apartment dwellers. A few of us take the bus at the same time of day. No big revelations though. Everyone is calm, appropriately dressed, humourless.

A few other people we stop to pick up on the way are interesting though. One young guy is hyperactive possibly. He gets on the bus, sits down, and fidgets the whole way in. There's an older woman who knows him. When she gets on the bus a few stops later, he greets her with enthusiasm, and they chat. They make me smile.


David Scrimshaw said...

Is your door made of metal? If so, You could do magnetic poetry.

S said...

Great idea!

graz said...

Poetry definitely. Maybe some Burns? Or another Scot if you prefer, in preparation for your trip.

S said...


Ye flowery banks o' bonie Doon,
How can ye blume sae fair;
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae fu' o' care!